Consulting Services

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We are passionate about making our clients successful. We conscientiously seek to improve all aspects of your company’s performance. We accomplish this goal by approaching the work of client acquisition through digital marketing from a whole company perspective. Because of our years of working with clients, we understand that a great marketing is just one piece of the picture. We work with you to prepare for how successful marketing can change and affect all aspect of your organization including staffing, fulfillment, and organizational alignment.

We draw on years of experience working with companies large and small around the world to deliver more than just a digital marketing strategy. Our consultants with backgrounds in not only marketing but also organization development, effectiveness, and process improvement. We know that before beginning an advertising initiative, you must consider the changes a successful campaign brings to business and make sure the business is ready.

Why do you need help creating and managing an inbound marketing strategy?

Given all the free tools available and the ease of posting on social media, it must be easy to figure out right? So, you start make a few posts here and there when you think about it. You might take a guess at the keywords people use to find your business. You try to figure out how use that information to generate leads via the web. Time goes by and nada, zip, nothing.

Here is the thing. Building digital marketing strategies required knowledge, skill, experience, and bit of artistry. The technological landscape constantly changes. And let’s face it. Keeping up with these changes requires time that is better spent running your business.

A great consultant helps you implement best practices in digital marketing that drives traffic, generates leads, and retain loyal clients. This works when done correctly pays for itself many times over.

Why choose Bachmann?

  • We are geeks at heart. Analytics and technology driven Integrated approaches are what we do.
  • We are Thought leaders and Innovators who never shy away from testing new and upcoming features.
  • With offices in the US and India, we are quite literally working while others are sleeping.
  • Our team of experienced experts and leaders in the digital marketing and business consulting believe strongly in delivering results.
  • All our solutions are customized to fit your goals and objectives.

A sample of our satisfied clients


Development and implementation of an online assessment and development training lab. This solution allowed for the assessment of the “will do” not measured by written assessment and allows for feedback and skill development according to the needs of the individual.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: 3M


Worked with company to clarify their value proposition, positioning, and messaging. Designed, developed, and launched new website. Ongoing management of digital ad buy.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Atlanta Kick


Designed and launched extensive online training system for new employees. Allowing for tracking of progress via a dashboard and reducing costs of delivery significantly.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Bard Medical


Worked with new and previous owner on the smooth transitions of the company. Consulted the client on brand, positioning, image, organizational development, and marketing. Built new website, developed 2 year-plan for growth, and guided the client in hitting the goals set forth in the plan. Ongoing management of all digital ad buy, social media, event promotion, and business consulting.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Blue Med Center


Designed and facilitated a workshop to help employees develop a new vision for their division, prepare participants to coach their staff through change, increase their ability to work with each other in a predicative manner, conduct activities to promote a predictive culture, develop a collaborative work environment.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: BP Amoco Geotextiles Division


Action research project analyzing global operations. Survey design and development, data collection using Burke-Litwin model of Organizational Performance and Change, conducted 90 face-to-face interviews in 2 languages in 3 countries using Schein’s Process Consultation methodology, analysis, and presentation of finding. Worked with CEO to present finding at company’s global conference.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Eka Chemicals an Akzo Nobel Company


Developed competency model for foster care that was adopted by the State of Georgia. Helped the client fulfill their mission of mobilizing and equipping families and local churches to provide effective and sustainable foster care solutions in their communities.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Faith Bridge


Used the Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change to predict behavior and performance consequences and therefore deals with cause (organizational conditions) and effect (resultant performance). Studied the climate and culture of the organization as well as the transformational and transactional dynamics of the organization to distinguish how those factors effect organizational behavior and change.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Solvay Advanced Polymers


Designed and implement organization wide training program for all employees. Project included creating organization and position competency model, mapping competencies to position requirements, analyzing benchmarks and identifying best practices, selecting and contracting with external training providers.
Designed and implemented a performance management system designed to develop employees’ knowledge of their roles and responsibilities while aligning their performance in support of the company’s strategic business goals. This includes setting expectations, driving continuous communication about performance, assessing employees against performance results, and development results and competencies.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: Sciele Pharmaceuticals


Developed long-term strategic digital marketing plan, built 2 new websites, managed social media marketing, conduct on-going and highly successful SEO initiative, creation and management of digital ad buy. Increased lead generation significantly through digital mediums, increased brand awareness, allowed client to compete more effectively with other firms in their market, captured high-value clients in extremely competitive markets.


Category: Consulting Service
Client: The Cochran Firm Atlanta